This quarter in third grade we will be work on...
Religion: Our theme wiill be Believe. We will discuss and learn able the Holy Spirit, being welcomed into the church, the ways to show love for others and the many ways to pray.
Reading: We will start the year with a whole group book study, they dive into our Readers. We will be learning to think through and analize the text in many different ways. We will compare stories, look for story elements and focus on key vocabulary.
Writing/Grammer: As a class we will start the year learning to build and write strong sentences. We will learn to add nouns, verbs, and adjectives to our sentences to make them more exciting. We will begin to write an opinion paper using graphic organizers.
Math: We will start the year focusing on place value then continue on to Addition and Subtraction. We will be looking for patterns in addition and subtraction as well as using different properties to get a better understanding.
Science: Space with be our theme for the beginning of the year in Science, we will focus on the sun and the moon with many hands on activities and then shift our focus to learn about the planets.
Social Studies: In quarter one we will be learning about the forms of government. We will also be talking about where we live how it compares to other areas.