Scholarship Offerings

Archdiocesan Scholarships

The Archdiocese of St. Louis offers scholarships to families that qualify due to financial need. These scholarships help offset the St. Paul tuition.  The application and more information on these scholarships can be found at

  • Beyond Sunday
  • Alive In Christ
  • Catholic Family Tuition Assistance
  • Parish Employee Endowment Fund


St. Paul Parish Scholarships

St. Paul Parish has funds set aside to assist families in need of tuition assistance.  All families who wish to be considered for Parish Tuition Assistance must first submit the application for the Alive in Christ, Beyond Sunday and Catholic Family Tuition Assistance programs and will need to complete the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment available at      


Scholarships That Apply to our 8th Grade Graduating Students Attending a Catholic High School

Each year past generations and individual parishioners or faculty members have offered scholarships to our 8th-grade students. St. Paul is very grateful for the opportunity given to our young men and women graduates who receive these awards. Many of these awards require an essay to be written. The essays ask the student to describe their faith life, respond to a question and inform us of their character. The essays are then voted on by the giver of the award or by staff members collaborating on behalf of a giver who is now being memorialized.

The following scholarships are awarded yearly to a member of the 8th-grade student body. These funds are paid directly to the recipient's high school:


Jerome and Julia Sigmund Family Trust Jerry and Judy Sigmund  Continuing Catholic Education

Mabel Macke

Ron and Kathy Flynn Mabel Macke
Monsignor Bernard Boessen St. Paul School Monsignor Boessen, former Pastor
Monsignor John Hickel St. Paul Parish Monsignor Hickel, former Pastor
St. Paul Parish Award St. Paul Parish Students of St. Paul
St. Paul Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Patty Vogelgesang Memorial